Chris Brault is a Hyper Wellness rep at Restore North Scottsdale, Arizona. But he’s much more than just a Hyper Wellness rep. In early April, Chris decided to pursue a coaching program in transformational breathwork, and he recently finished a 10-week course. He became passionate after attending his own breath work class, and according to Chris, “it helped me release a lot of baggage I had, that I didn’t even know was there.” Breathwork has been shown to release stress and balance blood pressure, but there’s also a huge emotional release element to it, including trauma release and relief from anxiety. And because Chris is doing more as a Hyper Wellness rep, we were curious to learn more.
What made you want to become a breathwork coach?
My brother came to me about this transformational breathwork journey he attended and told me how powerful it was, I was immediately sold on the experience. We then attended one together in Southern California hosted by Witaly Martynow, who is an incredible host and guide. My brother and I were kind of going through a lot as well as everyone else that attended the journey (around 50 people). Some of the people whom I met that weekend had lots of depression, anxiety, or real traumatic experiences in their life that had been weighing them down. Throughout the journey, there were people yelling, shaking, crying, laughing. No talking, no therapy, no counseling, nothing. Just one hour of deep breathing.
After the session I had such a massive smile on my face. I felt so much lighter, my mind was quiet, and I felt at total peace. So was everyone else around the room. That was the day that changed my life. I saw it change lives first hand and I’ve seen it change so many others as well since. That’s why I chose my path as a Breathwork coach to guide people through this experience and share this knowledge to the world! It gave me purpose and fulfillment.
How did you become a breathwork coach? What’s the process like?
I got my training from a Transformational Breathwork Program called Breath Masters. It was a 10-week course full of weekly video chats, modules, homework and tests. Plus they connect you to the whole breathwork community of other coaches and practitioners. They give you the proper resources to get you prepared and informed of everything you need to know.
Can you explain how breathwork releases past traumas from the body?
I could go a whole hour on this question, but I’ll keep it short and straight to the point. Our bodies are record keepers of our entire lives, since the day we were born, even if our minds have already wandered away from them. That’s called ‘cellular memories.’ Throughout all of the experiences we have in our lives, whether it’s physical or emotional, our body remembers events in our cellular memory through our nervous system. So, when we are in a similar situation, our body sends signals to our brain that will make us respond in certain ways, especially if we haven’t processed or healed the previous situation.
Imagine holding a soda bottle and seeing all those bubbles just sitting on the bottom and sides of the bottle. Let’s say those bubbles represent all these stuck traumas inside the body. But if you start tapping around that bottle, you’ll notice the bubbles will come to the surface and then evaporate. That’s what breathwork does to the body, it resurfaces whatever needs to come up and then we can feel and express whatever comes up for it to be released.
The human body has over 90,000 miles worth of blood vessels! So how we breathe affects all of them! When we breathe faster, the vessels constrict themselves. When we breathe nice and slow, they open and flow better. The goal with a Transformational session for releasing anything is to actively breathe hard for an extended period of time, which eventually restricts the blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. When that happens, we knock the conscious mind (our ego) out of the way. And that completely takes down our defense walls that try to protect us from the uncomfortable.
From there, we then go into a state called Theta-Brainwave state. That is when we get into a state where our mind becomes like a sponge. Then we take this opportunity where we can soak up new ideas and rewrite any scripts and reshape whatever patterns we may have conditioned ourselves to be. With all that said, we use the breath to knock down our defense walls of our thinking mind and resurface whatever needs to be called forward. Then we can feel and express whatever needs to be let go of without the ego getting in the way of protecting itself.
That’s how the breathwork can heal and release trauma from the body. Our bodies are designed to change, grow, adapt and heal itself. The goal is to get the mind to quiet down temporarily to be more in tune with our bodies, then feel and express whatever comes up. The more we practice this, the more our minds work better with our bodies and feel more connected to ourselves.
To learn more about Chris’ breath work experience, follow him on Instagram here.
*The information presented in this blog represents the views and opinions of the interview subject and does not represent the views or opinions of Restore Hyper Wellness.