Earlier today, Restore, the leading provider of proactive wellness services, launched a new survey in partnership with Wakefield Research to benchmark a new category of care—Hyper Wellness.
The report showcases how consumers are adopting wellness services, products and solutions, and further sheds a light on how they can proactively optimize their body and mind, no matter what stage they are in their health journey. Surveying 2,000 U.S. adults 18 and over, the report’s findings detail how consumers are integrating Hyper Wellness into their everyday lives. And the results are proof positive that Restore Hyper Wellness is growing at a nationwide rate.
3 in 5 Americans Believe That Hyper Wellness Can Help Them
According to the report, which can be viewed in full here, “Over 3 in 5 Americans (63%) believe investing in Hyper Wellness activities, services and products can help them save on the long-term financial costs of the effects of aging and sickness. With more than 3 in 4 Americans (76%) reporting they frequently experience negative physical or mental symptoms like stress, anxiety, fatigue, lack of focus, chronic pain, and unhealthy skin, it’s no wonder many are seeking better support for their bodies and minds.”
So more people than ever are shifting mindsets towards Hyper Wellness activities like Cryotherapy and IV Drip Therapy, and they’re starting to do so at a younger age. (“The average Gen Z-er is ready to start focusing on preventive health and wellness at age 22 and Millennials believe this focus should start at age 26.”)
Other interesting pieces of information that arose from the survey include:
- More than half of Americans (54%) report that preventive health measures are a part of their routines
- 25% of Americans who engage in preventative health and wellness activities say they couldn’t go a full week without their health and wellness routine before experiencing negative mental and/or physical effects
- 85% would be willing to try a new Hyper Wellness activity, service, or product
- 63% believe investing in Hyper Wellness activities, services or products can help them save money in the long-term
Wellness Services Are Recession Proof
But that’s not all. A key takeaway from the survey was the impact of an impending recession on wellness services, which one would expect to cut back on in a time of belt tightening. But in fact, 62% of people surveyed were willing to slow down their social life and limit going to bars and concerts to continue to afford to participate in preventative health and wellness activities.
In conclusion, the survey shows that a narrow majority of Americans are actively seeking out and utilizing preventive, proactive health measures as part of their weekly routines. And to serve those Americans, Restore is opening locations all over the country to make Hyper Wellness accessible and affordable for everyone.
To download The State of Hyper Wellness 2022, click here.